Saturday, June 16, 2007

Bishop Shaw, Episcopalians Show Up for Marriage Equality in Massachusetts

In a show of spirit-force outside the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention Thursday, which refused to put marriage equality to a plebiscite, thereby preserving the hardwon marriage rights of LGBT citizens... these members of the Religious Coalition for the Freedom to Marry included many Episcopalian faces. The RCFM contingent was over 100 strong, among a crowd of hundreds more. Thanks be to God.

Front row; The Rev'd George Welles, The Rt Rev'd M. Thomas Shaw (Bishop of Massachusetts), The Rev'd Anne C. Fowler (RCFM President) and Rabbi Dan Judson. Behind George Welles is The Very Rev'd Jep Streit, Dean of St Paul's Cathedral, and The Rev'd Bill Kondrath, Episcopal Divinity School faculty. Far right, Rev. Irv Cummings, Baptist. Photo by George Rizer.

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