Thursday, June 14, 2007

Parsippany Postcard #5

Bonnie Anderson speaking to Executive Council.

John Clinton Bradley

For Integrity

June 14, 2007

Parsippany, NJ

This morning Bonnie Anderson, President of the House of Deputies, officially presented to Executive Council a report from EC008 work group—which was tasked with developing a response to the primates' communiqué. Four gay and lesbian members of Executive Council—Kim Byham, Bruce Garner, Dottie Fuller, and Winnie Varghese—provided input to the report.

The report was titled "The Episcopal Church's Commitment to Common Life in the Anglican Communion." Its key points included…

  • Only General Convention can properly deal with the "requests" of the primates.
  • The primates do not have the authority to impose deadlines or make demands on member churches of the Anglican Communion.
  • Coercion and political posturing will not lead to reconciliation.
  • The Episcopal Church (TEC) strongly affirms its desire to remain a full member of the Anglican Communion and does not wish to walk apart.
  • TEC has historically struggled to embrace the marginalized. Today that includes gay and lesbian people.
  • TEC takes seriously the concerns expressed by some in the Anglican Communion and has attempted to respond to them sensitively and positively.
  • Executive Council agrees with the House of Bishops that the proposed pastoral scheme is ill-advised and that TEC should decline to participate.
  • TEC supports the process of developing an Anglican Covenant.

Three resolutions related to the report were approved by Executive Council:

  • Accepting the report of the work group.
  • Welcoming the "Report of the Communion Sub-Group" and encouraging the House of Bishops to consider its findings as they prepare for their September meeting.
  • Concurring with the House of Bishop's resolution rejecting the proposed pastoral scheme and directing the key recommendations of the primate's communiqué to General Convention.

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