Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Place in God's Heart, A Place at Christ's Table

Worship Resources for the Welcoming Church Movement

Created in honor and celebration of Rev. Ann B. Day's & Donna Enberg's twenty years as leaders of the Open and Affirming Program of the United Church of Christ Coalition for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns and for their founding and ongoing spirit in the ecumenical Welcoming Church Movement, a new collection of worship resources prepared by their friends in the Welcoming Church Movement and the Institute for Welcoming Resources is available now.

The booklet includes...
  • Opening Worship
  • Confessions & Assurances
  • Affirmations of Faith
  • Litanies
  • Liturgies & Occasional Services
  • Prayers
  • Closing Worship
  • Music

Click here to download the PDF!

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