Saturday, August 25, 2007

Gay Bishop Announces Civil Union, Infuriates Church Conservatives

This is old news to us, but apparently it just appeared on the radar screens of the British press...

by Newscenter Staff
Posted: August 23, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET

(London) The only openly gay bishop in the worldwide Anglican Church has unveiled plans for a civil union with his longtime partner, unleashing an attack by church conservatives who call it a publicity stunt.

New Hampshire's Episcopal Bishop, Gene Robinson, tells the British Broadcasting Corporation that he and his partner of 18 years, Mark Andrew, 53, will have a civil union shortly after the state's civil union law goes into effect next year.

"The decision to take advantage of the new law that will come into effect in New Hampshire on January 1 is simply our taking advantage of the kinds of rights which are now being made open to gay and lesbian people in New Hampshire," Robinson tells interviewer Michael Buerk in the program to be broadcast August 28.

Click here to read the rest.

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