Sunday, August 26, 2007


National Coming Out Day 2007!

Get ready to "Talk About It" on October 11, NCOD!

The theme for National Coming Out Day 2007 will be Talk About It, continuing the slogan and branding that the national program has been building since 2005.

National Coming Out Day is a time to celebrate openness and honesty whether you came out 20 minutes ago, or 20 years ago this is a time for all Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Straight supportive people to Talk About It with friends, family and coworkers.

Coming Out Day Kits include:

  • Resource Guides to Coming Out
  • Straight Guides to GLBT Americans
  • Transgender Coming Out Guides
  • Poster, Balloons and HRC Stickers
  • And everything else you'll need to celebrate living openly!

Talk About

To order your kit, please visit:

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