Monday, August 20, 2007

Kampala LGBTI community speaks out

All Africa reports: In an unprecedented show of boldness, the homosexual community in Uganda yesterday came out and addressed their maiden press conference, complaining about discrimination and demanding acceptance by the public.

"Please, let us live in peace. Stop persecuting us. God created us this way. We are children of God as well," shouted more than 30 homosexuals led by Victor Juliet Mukasa, leader of the Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), their umbrella organization comprising Freedom & Roam, Spectrum Uganda, Integrity Uganda and Icebreakers Uganda. Some of them wore masks.

"We were treated in a degrading and inhumane way. Many of us have suffered similar injustice. We are here today to proclaim that these human rights violations are completely unacceptable," she protested as the roomful yelled, "Leave us to live in peace."

"Don't lay a hand on us, we are the homosexual chidren of God. God created us this way and all we ask is let us live in peace."

Read it all here.

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