Monday, December 17, 2007

Archbishop Tutu apologizes to TGLBs

From Episcopal Cafe: Archbishop Desmond Tutu has apologized to gay people all around the world for the way they have been treated by the Church.

The Archbishop and Nobel Peace Prize winner says “sorry” to the worldwide LGBT community in an exclusive recorded interview with Ashley Byrne, presenter of Gay Hour, the only LGBT program on the BBC, which was broadcast today on BBC Radio Manchester.

The Archbishop has said that the Church is ‘obsessed’ with homosexuality. He goes further here, saying:

“I want to apologise to you and to all those who we in the church have persecuted,” Archbishop Tutu says in the interview.
“I’m sorry that we have been part of the persecution of a particular group. For me that is quite un-Christ like and, for that reason, it is unacceptable.

“May be, even as a retired Archbishop, I probably have, to some extent, a kind of authority but apart from anything let me say for myself and anyone who might want to align themselves with me, I’m sorry.

“I’m sorry for the hurt, for the rejection, for the anguish that we have caused to such as yourselves.”

The program may be heard here for one week from today. Starting tomorrow, you may hear the program here.

Read more: The UK Gay News: Tutu Aplogizes for Persecution of Gays on BBC Radio Tonight

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