Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Getting organized, getting active

Last week 22 Integrity activists and friends gathered at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Oakland, CA for the first of a national series of workshops on "Inclusion Activism." What's that mean?

As Integrity President the Rev. Susan Russell has explained succinctly, these workshops aim to educate participants about "how the Church works and how to work the Church."

Topics discussed included the polity of the Episcopal Church, all about diocesan conventions, and how to prepare resolutions for consideration at General Convention. Attendees also practiced finding words and stories to express themselves about the imperative for the Church to practice full inclusion of all the baptized in all the sacraments.

Lest we forget that others besides LGBT people can feel pushed outside the church's house, we also heard a presentation on globalization and migration issues from the Rev. Lisa Hlass.

This spring we'll be doing more of these workshops in Kansas City, Atlanta, Cincinnati, and Newark with sponsorship from the Arcus Foundation.

Anyone interested in learning more should contact

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