Friday, March 7, 2008

Integrity Ft. Worth, Joyful Host of Louie Crew

by Barbi Click, South Central Regional Vice President

On Saturday March 1, 2008, Integrity FW hosted a lecture by the founder of Integrity, Dr. Louie Crew. The lecture was preceded by the Holy Eucharist, led by the Rt. Rev. Sam Hulsey, retired bishop of Northwest Texas with the homily given by Barbi Click, vice president of the South Central Region of Integrity.

Barbi’s message spoke to the mission of self-enlightenment for LGBT people – taking responsibility for our own lives rather than letting others set the stage for our admission as full members of this Church. Not only is it our responsibility to speak out but is also our job to teach the Church how to “sing to the Lord a new song.” As long as we continue others to define us, setting the parameters of our existence, the Church will not fully accept its own responsibility to “live as children of the fruit of the Light…”.

Dr. Crew’s message was "Exceedingly Glad in Times Like These”. While there is still much to do as LGBT people in this day and age, there are many things for which we should be extremely grateful. We can find great solace in the fact that, as members of this part of the Anglican Communion, we are leaders in the advancement of LGBT folk as living, breathing contributing members of the Church across the world.

Not only was this an occasion made auspicious by Dr. Crew’s presence, it was also the kick off of Integrity’s Canterbury Campaign. This campaign is all about “Claiming God’s Mission – Proclaiming Christ’s Message.”

“What happens at the Lambeth Conference in 2008 will have a tremendous impact upon General Convention in 2009. If a significant percentage of Anglican bishops continue to insist that the Episcopal Church refrain from ordaining additional lesbian/gay bishops and blessing same-gender relationships or else face expulsion from the Anglican Communion, it will very difficult to persuade General Convention to nullify B033 and advance marriage equality.” Read more about the Canterbury Campaign here.

All three messages are vital messages LGBT people across this Church. We have made great strides…greater strides are in our future.

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