Monday, July 28, 2008

Press Release

28 July 2008


CANTERBURY, UK—The Alongside Lambeth programme continues for everyone including those who are not official 'conference participants'. Bible Study takes place at 11am in the Marketplace Viewers Balcony

Talks are also being held in St Stephens Church, on Hales Drive at 4pm…

Monday: July 28 Anglican Covenant—The Way Forward?
Two speakers share their differing perspectives on the Anglican Covenant:
--Paula Nesbitt is Visiting Associate Professor of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley. She has studied the effects of women's ordination on American churches and was at Lambeth 1998 researching the different leadership styles of male and female bishops. She is currently considering the Anglican Communion as a transnational organization during a time of social change and uncertainty.
--Jonathan Clatworthy is the General Secretary of the Modern Churchpeople's Union. Previously he worked as a parish priest, university chaplain and lecturer in Ethics. He is a member of the leadership team at St Brides, Liverpool.

Wednesday July 30 The Windsor Process—Where Are We?
A conversation with:
--Jenny Te Paa, who lectures in Global Anglican Studies at The College of St John the Evangelist, Aotearoa, New Zealand and was involved in the development of the Windsor Report.


Press contact in the UK:
Louise Brooks, Senior Press Officer, +44 (0)7503 695 579,

Press contact in the USA:Jan Adams, Field Organizer, +1-415-378-2050,

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