Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Knoxville Church targeted for liberal views on women's and LGBT rights

Check out THIS REPORT from Planet Out about the shooting in a Knoxville, TN Unitarian church. Several people were injured and two were killed.

The shooter described his frustration in securing employment and his anger about liberal political views as his motivation for going on the shooting spree.

This serves as yet another example of the profound need, both in the church and in the larger society, for a need to listen to and to understand the experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people. Moreover, it highlights the interrelatedness of a wide range of social justice issues, including gay rights, women's rights, and issues of economic justice.

BBC also has limited coverage of the event HERE


  1. the shooter in Knoxville is no more guilty of genicide than the BIGOT who calls himself a bisop in sudan [spelled no caps on purpose]

    church is no longe a place of worship.... and inclusion....

  2. the church is no longer a place of worship and inclusion...Billy

    also, please include the bishop of Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya in that blood letting lot.


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