Wednesday, July 16, 2008

UK Press: Pope Opposes Anglican Schism

Some interesting headlines have appeared today regarding the Pope's reaction to a possible schism in the Anglian Church.

  • "The Pope feels more in common with him than he does with theologically primitive and doctrinally ideological evangelicals who share his objections to homosexuality or women bishops. Both men see preserving unity as key and the Catholic bishops in England have warned Rome about the deeply factional nature of Anglican politics. A number of the Anglicans who moved to Rome when women were ordained brought with them a rancorous divisive mentality. Which is why those Anglican bishops who recently approached the Vatican to ask if traditionalist C of E parishes could migrate en masse to Rome, under an Anglican liturgical rite, were sent off with a flea in their ear" writes Paul Vallely: Why the Pope is not rejoicing at the split
    Independent, UK

  • "The Pope is leading an unprecedented drive by the Roman Catholic Church to prevent the fragmentation of the worldwide Anglican Communion ahead of the once-a-decade gathering of its 800 bishops, which begins today, The Independent has learnt." reports James Macintyre in Pope rides to Rowan's rescue
    Independent, UK

  • " Pope Benedict XVI has called for Anglican leaders attending the Lambeth Conference to find a "mature" and faithful way of avoiding "schism".

    He has also sent three cardinals to the conference, a once-a-decade gathering of 800 bishops, to act as personal intermediaries between the two churches. One is Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor, head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales." reports Graham Tibbetts in Pope comes to aid of Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams over ..., United Kingdom -

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