Monday, July 21, 2008

Yes, there will be life after Lambeth ...

At least we trust there will. And you can be part of working for full inclusion of LGBT people in the life of TEC here in the U.S.A.

On September 12-13, Claiming the Blessing/Integrity will holding the last of our current series of Inclusion Activism workshops in Minneapolis, MN at St. Mark's Cathedral.

What's Inclusion Activism? Integrity President Susan Russell describes the curriculum as "how the Church works and how to work the Church."

Trainers the Rev. Cynthia Black and journalist Katie Sherrod teach about Episcopal polity and how to educate the media about the long struggle to win the full inclusion of all the baptized in all the life the Church. (Yes, those two are members of the communications team currently in Lambeth and the women responsible for the new video Voices of Witness Africa which you can see previewed here.)

You can watch past participant Barbara Curry talk about what she came away with in the video clip here.

There is no tuition charge for the workshop -- and participants will be well fed by us. You do have to cover your own travel and lodging expenses. Some scholarship help is available.

If you have any interest in attending, wish to see a detailed agenda, or have any questions, please contact Claiming the Blessing field organizer Jan Adams at

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