Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lambeth bishops air differing views on covenant

Suggested suspension of same-sex blessings also contentious

By Solange De Santis

[Episcopal News Service, Canterbury] Anglican bishops meeting at the Lambeth
Conference on August 2 said there were passionate disagreements about
aspects of a developing covenant designed to hold together churches with
theological differences.

In addition, the bishops on the next-to-last day of the July 16-August 3
meeting clashed over proposals that would require churches to stop entering
other provinces to minister to conservatives, blessing same-sex unions and
consecrating partnered gay persons to the episcopate.

It was the second day of discussions about the so-called St. Andrew's Draft
of the covenant, and the moratoria contained in the 2004 Windsor Report. The
report, which was produced by an international committee, was drawn up after
the Canadian and U.S. churches took several moves toward liberalizing
attitudes toward homosexuality, including the 2003 consecration of openly
gay bishop Gene Robinson in New Hampshire.

Full story:

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