Tuesday, September 16, 2008

HRC | Six top Episcopal bishops in California come out against marriage amendment

September 15, 2008
Chris Johnson

"Since marrying my husband Mike on August 8, I've had several occasions to reflect on the powerful coalition of forces that have come together to achieve, and now defend, marriage equality in California. The minister who officiated at our wedding was HRC Religion Council member Rev. Susan Russell, an associate rector at All Saints Church in Pasadena where we wed in the chapel. Susan is also president of Integrity, the LGBT advocacy group working for justice in the Episcopal Church USA.

It was in large part a credit to Susan Russell and Integrity that the six most prominent episcopal bishops in California came out forcefully against Proposition 8, the anti-marriage amendment on November's statewide ballot and for the right of LGBT people to civil marriage."

Read the entire article at HRC Back Story.

Visit www.integrityusa.org/VoteNoOnProp8 to find out how you can help defend marriage equality in California--even if you live in another state!

1 comment:

  1. Now, this was all very sweet of Harry Knox (who wrote this piece for the HRC!) but I can hardlly take credit for getting our CA bishops to speak up so strongly and boldly opposing Prop 8.

    That would be the Holy Spirit!


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