Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Many Stories, One Voice Update

Dear Many Stories, One Voice registrant,

First of all, let me say again how grateful we are for your prayers and
understanding as we have been making plans to deal with Gustav. We also
return thanks to God for the fact that New Orleans seems to have been spared
and that things were not nearly as bad as expected along the Gulf Coast.
That, of course, is the most important news of the day.

We wanted to be in touch about a couple of pieces:

1. What to do next? We are convening a call with the Bishops and Elders
Council and other colleagues to explore all of our options. We will hope to
have some word by the beginning of next week as to what we plan to do. We
will keep you posted.

2. Registration fees. There are two options for folks:
a. You may wait with us as we determine if, when and where another Many
Stories, One Voice will be held
and apply your registration fees to that gathering. OR
b. You may ask for us to process a refund of your registration fees.

If you choose to have your registration refunded please email

Again, thank you for your thoughts and prayers as we all went through a
difficult weekend. And thanks be to God that our friends and colleagues in
New Orleans have survived well.



Rev. Rebecca Voelkel
Institute for Welcoming Resources and Faith Work Director
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
810 W. 31st Street
Minneapolis, MN 55408

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