Monday, October 6, 2008

Saving Marriage

Three years in the making, Saving Marriage, the true story of the Massachusetts fight to save marriage equality, is opening in select theaters beginning October 10!

Saving Marriage will be initially released in these cities:
San Francisco October 10 Roxie Theater

Los Angeles October 17 Regent Showcase

Boston October 17 Landmark Kendall Square

New York October 24 The Quad Cinema

Denver November 7 Starz FilmCenter

Check out the amazing new trailer and brand new website

You can also get updated theater listings and sign up to receive news about Saving Marriage, including future cable and DVD release dates. As is the case with most independent films, a good first weekend at the box office will keep Saving Marriage on screens longer and will also encourage other theater owners around the country to carry it. So please go see the film right away if you live in one of the above cities, and encourage any friends you have living there to do the same.

Distributed by Here! Films, Saving Marriage chronicles the three-year battle that followed the decision by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court to legalize same-sex marriage. Public outcry pushed conservative legislators to approve a constitutional amendment that would override the decision and take marriage away from the gay and lesbian couples. The film covers the fight as career politicians stand up to their constituents and follow their hearts, seasoned lobbyists see the dream of the gay rights movement suddenly within reach, and the gay community is spurred into action by an issue that could change their lives.

1 comment:

  1. We previewed the film here at All Saints ... it is really excellent!


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