Monday, November 17, 2008

Gay bishop to visit Seattle

One of the most controversial churchmen in recent American history, gay Episcopal Bishop V. Gene Robinson, will speak, preach and celebrate the eucharist in Seattle early next year.

Robinson, a non-celibate gay in a committed relationship, is Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire and has become a lightning rod in the church.

He is also an enthusiastic celebrity. Robinson has taken a "60 Minutes" camera crew into a favorite gay bar, endorsed Barack Obama, taken a leave of absence to battle alcoholism, and was famously not invited to Anglican bishops' worldwide Lambeth Conference in England last summer. He showed up anyway.
The Diocese of Olympia, nearly a decade ago, became one of the first dioceses in the Episcopal Church to adopt a resolution calling for full inclusion of gays and lesbians in the Episcopal Church.

Until his resignation last March, a gay clergyman -- the Rev. Robert Taylor -- served as dean of St. Mark's Cathedral. The cathedral on Capitol Hill has also employed a lesbian priest on its staff.


Bishop Robinson will celebrate the eucharist at St. Mark's Cathedral and preach during a 4:30 p.m. service on January 12th. He will deliver "A Community Speech" at 7:30 that evening at Town Hall Seattle.

Full article: Gay bishop to visit Seattle

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