Monday, November 3, 2008

Press Release: Bishop Of New Hampshire To Meet with Dallas Transgender Advocates

For immediate release
Sept. 30, 2008

Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies are thrilled to welcome to Dallas the Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, Bishop of New Hampshire for a public conversation with transgender people.

Sheraton Dallas Hotel
Seminar Theater
400 North Olive Street · Dallas, Texas 75201
Map and Directions

November 22, 2008 from 1:00 until 2:00pm

Bishop Robinson will attend a "Transgender Conversation" with the Dallas Transgender Advocates, and Allies(DTAA) to share with us his wisdom and faith and to learn of the transgender struggle for equality. Bishop Robinson has bravely stepped forward to answer questions regarding religion and it's influence on progressive social action, and to share with us what he has learned from the recent Lambeth and how his diocese situation parallels the Queer and Transgenders class struggle against social, religious and political exclusionary and revisionist agendas.

Click here to read the entire release.

1 comment:

  1. Thank You for posting this!!! Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies are so looking forward to meeting Bishop Robinson! What an singularly extraordinarly unique opportunity!
    I will cross post this at our home page and my blog
    Thank you for your faith,


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