Friday, January 9, 2009

Weekly Witness For January 9th

The Weekly Witness is back after its holiday vacation...

Make Every Day A National Day Of Service

Colin Powell formally announced today the Renew America Together initiative as part of President-elect Obama’s national call to service. Standing in the Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C., Powell exhorted all Americans to make an ongoing commitment to revitalize our local communities, starting on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

"The Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday is not only a day off but also for the last 14 years, it has been a day on. It’s a day to reach out to our fellow citizens in need."

He encouraged everyone to visit to find or host a service event. More than 4,000 service events are registered on the site already.

This is an opportunity for LGBT people of faith to shine! National Integrity encourages Integrity chapters, networks, circles, members, and congregations to host or participate in service events on January 19th. Please share your stories of service with Rebecca Voelkel of the Institute for Welcoming Resources [] and John Clinton Bradley of Integrity [].

How You Can Support The Anaheim Appeal

As announced earlier this week, we have launched our campaign to raise $80,000 for Integrity's witness as General Convention.

As an individual, click here to make a secure, online contribution using your debit or credit card.

As a chapter, network, circle, or congregation, please consider hosting a fundraising event in your area. We plan to hold at least 10 event across the country. Each event is typically two hours in length and takes place at a church fellowship hall or private residence. The function usually begins with a reception, which is then followed by a presentation from the President or another board member, and time for questions and comments. We ask that the local hosting group be responsible for invitations to local individuals and for the expenses and arrangements related to hospitality. The national office will send invitations to everyone in the area and make special e-mail announcements to the entire membership. We can also provide blank invitation post cards to the host. The national office will cover any travel expenses of the board member attending. Please help us schedule these events as soon as possible so that we can aim for the best turnout possible. Contact Bruce Colburn, Integrity’s Development Coordinator, at 800-462-9498 or and he will gladly answer any questions you have and help in any other way possible.

VOWA Update

Thanks to those who have responded to our recent call for donations to help finish the Voices of Witness Africa video. To date, more than $4000 has been contributed!

News You May Have Missed

The Advocate--Pepsi Targeted for AFA Boycott

The Huffington Post--The Choice is Ours--Melissa Etheridge

Seattle Post Intelligencer--Bishop Robinson comes to Seattle

USA Today--Year in religion: Political plays, papal visit and battle over gays

BBC--Gays welcome Uganda arrest payout

Relgion New Service--10 Minutes With Gene Robinson

New York Times--You’re Likable Enough, Gay People

Kalamazoo Gazette--Religious opposition to Human Rights Ordinance dismaying--The Rev. Beth A. McLaren

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