Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Equality Forum 2009

Mark you calendars...

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 12:07 PM
Subject: Equality Forum 2009

Dear Integrity:

Equality Forum 2009 (April 27 – May 3) features 34 panels, 8 parties and 10 special events, including the National Equality Rally at Independence Hall ( There is no registration fee for the 17th annual Equality Forum and all panels are free.

There are programs of particular interest to Integrity

  • 12th Annual National Religious Colloquy: Conversation with Bishop Gene Robinson
  • 5th Annual National Interfaith Service at historic Christ Church
  • Shabbat Service with sermon delivered by Equality Forum Executive Director Malcolm Lazin
  • Dignity Philadelphia Mass and Couples Blessing
  • Would Jesus Discriminate? A Campaign to Counter Religious Bigotry

We will be sending you a graphically-designed email blast about these programs. We would appreciate if you could email it to your membership.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Chip Alfred at (215) 732-3378 x 116 or at

For more information about Equality Forum 2009, visit

We thank you for your valued support.


Ben Perry


  1. Thank you for informing us of Equality Forum. We found your site through Straight, Not Narrow. We'll link to your site on our blog & Website.

  2. And I'm honored to have been asked to be the preacher at the interfaith service on the 3rd ... hope to see some of you there!


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