Monday, June 1, 2009

Weekly Witness for 1 June 2009

With General Convention only a month away, Integrity USA is hard at work...

Videos Released On LGBT Issues In Anaheim

We posted two new videos to YouTube over the weekend.

"With God's Help" explains why the Episcopal Church needs to move beyond its de facto moratorium on additional gay and lesbian bishops during General Convention 2009.

"Becoming an 'Ubuntu' People explains why the Episcopal Church must move forward on marriage equality in Anaheim.

Please help us "virally distribute" these videos by posting them on your blog or social networking page.

Both videos will be mailed on a single DVD to active bishops and General Convention deputies within the next week.

The Ripple

We also posted a new "graphic novel" on our website over the weekend. "The Ripple" tells the story of Stuart--an ordinary Episcopalian who is weary of our denomination's conflict over LGBT equality.

Click here to read "The Ripple" as a PDF!

"The Ripple" is currently being printed. A paper copy of will be mailed to active bishops and General Convention deputies later this month.

June Episcopal Life Ad

The June issue of Episcopal Life is out. It includes the 5th advertisement in a series from Integrity USA about LGBT issues at General Convention.

2nd Quarter InfoLetter

The current edition of Integrity InfoLetter was distributed a couple of weeks ago. It was sent electronically to all members for whom we have an email address on file. It was mailed in paper format to those members who have not provided us with an email address.

Click here to read the newsletter as a PDF.

Unblogged News

Pasadena Star-News
Pastor vows not to perform weddings until Prop. 8 is repealed

Episcopal News Service
Lesbian elected Lutheran bishop of Stockholm

Episcopal News Service
California Supreme Court outlaws gay marriage—except for 18,000 already-wed couples

Anglican Journal
Diocese of Huron moves toward same-sex blessings but not nuptials

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