Thursday, June 11, 2009

Western South Dakota still has a long way to go

From Robbinsdale Radical:

The two most commented stories on the Rapid City Journal's Rapid Reply are:

* Black Hills Gay Pride event expands to four days (299)
* Rapid City woman likens gay activism to 1960s civil rights movement (117)

I'm torn between pride and disgust from the [online] comments as many of them are packed with hate and bigotry. Many are so bad that I am dismayed the RCJ has allowed them to be posted-- violence against my LGBT friends comes from this kind of speech.

Religion seems to come up a lot in the negative comments, especially when used as a weapon to justify prejudice...
More here...

1 comment:

  1. There is hope for goodness to rise up! As a read the comments, in reverse order, it seems to me that many of the good citizens of South Dakota have come to the defense of diversity and taken on the hatred.

    We are a resurrection people.


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