Monday, July 20, 2009

As Seen Elsewhere: The Monday post-General Convention News Wrap-Up

A Lot of headlines to check out post General Convention.
Here are a few for you to check out, and as always, please let us know of your favorite articles, blogs and news to use in the comments.

C056 Wins
Jim Naughton, Episcopal Cafe (be sure to click into the liveblog for the play by play)

Resolution C056; its our job now
By Rebecca Wilson, Episcopal Cafe

Episcopal Church Drops Ban on LGBT Bishops, featuring interview with Integrity USA President, Susan Russell

Episcopal Convention Report
Religion & Ethics Weekly (PBS) July 17, 2009

Face to faith: The suffering on all sides of the homosexuality debate must be borne by the entire church
Jim Naughton, The Gaurdian

What’s going on in America?
Kelvin Holdsworth, St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow, Scotland

What young adults need
By Otis Gaddis III, Episcopal Cafe

Episcopalians in U.S. taking pro-gay stance
By Julia Duin, The Washington Times

Episcopal leaders affirm new policy on same-sex blessings
By Duke Helfand, Los Angeles Times

Episcopal Church moves toward blessing gay unions
Writing and reporting by Ed Stoddard; Editing by Steve Gorman and Peter Cooney, Rueters

Episcopal Bishops Can Bless Gay Unions:Approved Compromise Measure Stops Short of Creating Liturgical Rites
By William Wan, Washington Post

Episcopal Bishop says ordination still uncertain for gay bishops
By Richard C. Dujardin, The Providence Journal
(great quotes in this article from Integrity ally, The Rev. Scott Gunn)

Utah Episcopalians back push for gay clergy
By Peggy Fletcher Stack, The Salt Lake TribuneEpiscopalians: Bishops can bless same-sex unions

Pueblo pastor: Episcopal vote on gays no surprise

Episcopalians Ask Who Should Lead: Church or Culture?
By DANIEL BURKE, 2009 Religion News Service

Chicago group helped pave way for Episcopal Church's landmark decisions: Episcopal Church lifts moratorium on gay bishops, will consider same-sex liturgies

A Constant Parish, Now Called to Leave?: Episcopal Church Struggles With New Acceptance of Gays
By William Wan, Washington Post

Bishops post reactions to Anaheim

Please share your news items in the comments on the blog.
Happy post-convention Monday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. From Pluralist on the Gospel Imperative - Reconciliation


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