Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ripped from the headlines: Integrity in the news

As convention is heating up, Integrity is landing in all sorts of news media--around the church and country. Here at the Walking With Integrity blog we will scour the headlines for you and bring you bits of news as we find them. Please feel free to share your news stories you find in the comments!

The Episcopal Agenda
The Advocate
LGBT rights are expected to top the agenda of a 10-day Episcopalian leader summit beginning Wednesday in Anaheim, Calif.

Gay issues atop Episcopalians' Agenda
The Washington Times
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams will attend the triennial meeting for three days, starting Tuesday. His activities will include a private meeting with eight gay deputies to talk about "lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues in the church," according to Episcopal News Service. It will be "an opportunity to meet with us ... not just talk about us," the Rev. Susan Russell, president of the gay Episcopal caucus Integrity, wrote in an e-mail.

Tense time for Episcopalians?
(A really great picture of Susan Russell and Bishop Robinson in this article)
USA Today

On the agenda: sexuality, politics and poverty.
Since 2003, when the group approved the election of openly gay bishop Gene Robinson of New Hampshire, the church has been embroiled in feuds over what the Bible says about roles of gay clergy and women.

Integrity Members & Supporters Stand in Support of Marriage Resolution
Episcopal Life Online
"Marriage equality is a reality coming soon to a state near you," Bishop Gene Robinson told an overflow crowd at a July 8 hearing. He was speaking to a proposed resolution that calls for wider-than-usual latitude for bishops to allow blessings of gay and lesbian couples in states in which same-sex marriage or civil unions are legal.

Episcopal Church Weighs Same-Sex Union Issue
Jacksonville Times-Union
Jacksonville’s Carole Adams said she and her lesbian partner of 40 years will not return to the Episcopal Church even if its bishops and deputies approve liturgies for same-sex unions during their triennial convention beginning today in California.


Just an observation here, but there sure does seem to be a great deal of throwing around the word "Agenda" in the headlines. And well, we'd like to counteroffer your claim.

We don't have a "gay agenda" rather

we are LGBT people with a Gospel agenda.

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