Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Weekly Witness For 28 July 2009

Election Results

During May the membership voted for a new Board of Directors and for Provincial Coordinators. Now that General Convention is over, we are pleased to announce the election results.

Those candidates elected to the national Board of Directors are…
  • David Norgard, President
  • Louise Brooks, Secretary/Director Of Communications
  • David Cupps, Treasurer
  • Neil D. Houghton, Vice-President For Local Affairs
  • Albert Ogle, Vice-President For National Affairs
Those candidates elected as Provincial Coordinators are…
  • Sara Hamlen, Province 1 Coordinator
  • Chap James Day, Province 2 Coordinator
  • Mimi Walters, Province 3 Coordinator
  • Keith Bliven, Province 4 Coordinator
  • Deniray Mueller, Province 5 Coordinator
  • Gretchen R. Naugle, Province 6 Coordinator
  • Susan McCann, Province 7 Coordinator
  • Matt Haines, Province 8 Coordinator
In a separate ballot sent to voting members of the Stakeholders Council, Joshua Blackwood was elected as Stakeholders Council Chairperson and Gretchen Renfro was elected Vice-Chairperson. Josh will represent the Stakeholders Council on the Board of Directors.

Congratulations to these new officers! More information about each candidate can be found at http://www.integrityusa.org/candidates/.

Thanks to those candidates who were not elected for their willingness to serve. We greatly appreciate Integrity/El Camino Real for acting as the teller for the election.

As part of the ballot, the membership also ratified a previous vote to amend the national bylaws. The bylaws can be viewed at http://www.integrityusa.org/bylaws.

Have You Registered For After Anaheim?

So far 30 people have signed up for After Anaheim--a leadership conference for national, provincial, and local leaders of Integrity--that will be held September 9-12, 2009, in St. Louis. Although the conference is primarily intended for leaders, all Integrity members who want to be more effective inclusion activists are welcome to attend.

The core of the conference will be the "Faith-Based Community Organizing" workshop facilitated by staff from the Institute for Welcoming Resources. In addition, Integrity's new Stakeholders' Council will hold its first-ever annual meeting.

After Anaheim is a crucial first step in planning the next 3 years of Integrity's ministry. We hope that as many of you as possible will be able to attend.

Please visit http://sites.google.com/site/afteranaheim/ for more information about the conference and to register. Seating is limited, so sign-up now! Register by August 7th to take advantage of a special rate for hotel rooms.

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