Friday, August 14, 2009

Weekly Witness For 14 August 2009

Have You Registered for "After Anaheim?"

About 40 people have registered so far for Integrity's "After Anaheim" leadership conference--which will be held September 9-11 at Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis. We still have space for YOU! The only catch is that you will have to make your own lodging arrangements at this point.

Although this conference is geared for local, provincial, and national Integrity leaders, anyone who wants to become a more effective inclusion activist is welcome to participate. The core of the conference will be the Faith-Based Community Organizing curriculum taught by the Institute for Welcoming Resources.

Thanks, Jan!

After a job well done, Jan Adams, Integrity's half-time field organizer for the past 1.5 years, ended her employment with us at the end of July. Through Jan's labors we...
  1. Held Inclusion Activism workshops in San Francisco, St. Louis, Atlanta, Newark, and Minneapolis. A total of 90 inclusion activists from 35 dioceses were trained.
  2. Elected more LGBT and LGBT-friendly General Convention deputies than ever before.
  3. Discussed LGBT issues with deputies at 7 provincial synods.
  4. Worked with the Chicago Consultation to organize progressive bishops and deputies for the General Convention.
  5. Passed 40 LGBT-positive resolutions at diocese conventions.
  6. Published 6 ads in Episcopal Life on LGBT issues in the months leading up to General Convention.
  7. Produced a DVD containing 2 videos--"With God's Help" and "Becoming an Ubuntu People"--that was mailed to all deputies and active bishops.
  8. Passed Resolution D025 in Anaheim, which moves the Episcopal Church beyond discrimination in the Episcopate.
  9. Passed Resolution C056, in Anaheim, which moves the Episcopal Church forward on marriage equality for same-gender couples.
Thanks for your tireless and brilliant work, Jan! We wish you well in you continuing ministry of political activism.

It's Grant Season!

Although summer is down-time for many organizations, its prime time for Integrity's grant writing. In the past couple of weeks, John Clinton Bradley, our Acting Executive Director has...
  • Provided to the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund a progress report for the past 12 months and performance objectives for the next 12 months. We received half of a $50,000 grant from them this week for ongoing operations and organizational improvements.
  • Submitted a letter of inquiry to the Arcus Foundation to underwrite the Expanding the Circumference project --which is designed to translate the policy changes implemented during General Convention into common practice at all levels or the Episcopal Church over the next triennium.
  • Applied for funding from the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation to conduct 8 Inclusion Activism 2.0 provincial workshops during the spring and summer of 2010.

Unblogged News

San Francisco Chronicle
Gay bishops may further divide Episcopal Church

Episcopal News Service
Resolutions concerning ordination process, same-sex blessings are topic of August 16 bulletin insert

Religious Intelligence Ltd
Liberals question Archbishop on gay response

Wall Street Journal
Episcopalians Nominate Gay Clergy for Bishop in Los Angeles

USA Today
Episcopal dioceses are fast to list gay nominees for bishop

Episcopal News Service
Six nominees for December election of two bishops suffragan announced

Episcopal News Service
MINNESOTA: Diocese announces three candidates for bishop

Los Angeles Times
Gay, lesbian priests among bishop nominees by L.A. Episcopal diocese,0,116157.story

Associated Press
Episcopalians nominate gay clergy for bishop in LA

Jacksonville Times-Union
Episcopal Church weighs same-sex union issue
Appleton Post Crescent
Episcopal Church makes steps toward inclusivity

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