Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New rector for St. Paul's, Fort Collins, CO

The Coloradoan reports on the new rector at St. Paul's, Fort Collins, CO:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church has recently installed a new priest, the Reverend Bonnie Sarah Spencer. Bonnie and her partner, Catherine Anderson, come to Fort Collins from Somerset, Massachusetts, where Bonnie served as rector at Our Saviour Episcopal Church. “I am a home grown Episcopalian, though,” Bonnie clarifies.
St. Paul's styles itself “an inclusive church welcoming all people.” Bonnie looks forward to a fruitful partnership with this parish to serve the Fort Collins community and the CSU campus. Under Bonnie's leadership St. Paul's will continue to be a safe haven for everyone, no matter where they are in their spiritual journey. “Lovin' the questions,” is the slogan of the campus ministry, and the parish as a whole embraces the notion that the freedom to seek and to inquire is invaluable in leading a life of faith.

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