Tuesday, October 13, 2009

And In Hawai'i...

About 150-259 people symbolically marched on the Hawaii State Capitol for equal rights for all citizens’ especially gay lesbian bisexual and transgender citizens. This was sponsored by Pride-Alliance Hawaii, a group dedicated to coordinating the efforts of all gay and civil rights groups in the islands in order to coordinate and strengthen our responses and political action. We did this March in unity with the March on Washington. We had participants/planners/workers/volunteers and attendees from Integrity, Dignity, The UCC, The civil rights commission, military activists against don’t ask, don’t tell, ACLU, Family Equality Coalition of Hawaii, a large group of students from the Universities of Hawaii, a great group of high school kids who are out and we had entertainment by Blazing Saddles, a gay line dancing club, and some Melissa Ethridge covers done by a local artist. You can see a picture of someone holding a Jesus Loves Equal Rights for Everybody sign with the official Episcopal Integrity T-Shirt for the March on Washington in the article in the link below. Thanks be to God for the blessings of this day. We had Episcopal GLBTQ members, allies, clergy and lay ministers focusing on equal rights for gay people come to the march and we are so grateful for their time and effort to help out and bear witness. We also have three proposed resolutions of the Diocese of Hawaii website for our convention in late October. Please feel free to check those out as well.

The link to the morning paper’s story is: http://bit.ly/2oikBu

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