Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ugandan Parliament Considers Draconian Anti-homosexuality Bill

A bill has been introduced to the Uganda parliament that would, among other things, provide a three year prison term for anyone who fails to report the names of those they know to be LGBT (and those they know who are heterosexual who support human rights for LGBT people) to authorities.

Sound crazy? It is. The same bill would make it a crime for any Ugandan citizen, whether or not they live in Uganda, to be gay.

The new bill calls for life imprisonment to punish anything from sexual stimulation to simply "touch[ing] another person with the intention of committing the act of homosexuality." It also punishes "aggravated homosexuality" – including activity by "serial offenders" or those who are HIV positive – with the death penalty.

The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission is urging a letter writing campaign to President Museveni and others.

Please take a few minutes of your day, read more about this unfolding story, and get involved.

More info is available here:
The actual wording of the bill
International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission
Human Rights Watch
New Vision article 
• From Truth Wins Out: American Evangelicals Play Role In Uganda Effort To ‘Wipe Out’ Gays
• Daily Monitor: Anti-gay Bill: Why we should all be very afraid
Other Sheep Press Release

And perhaps most powerfully
• A gay Ugandan, who writes anonymously http://gayuganda.blogspot.com/

Article by Cynthia Black (Producer, Director, Videographer, and Photographer of the Voices of Witness Africa.)

Cynthia is an Episcopal priest who has served parishes in New Jersey and Michigan, and most recently was Dean of the Cathedral of Christ the King in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  She is an award winning photographer, and enjoys using videography to encourage others to interact with Gospel values of peace and justice. She has produced videos for various non-profit organizations, including the Episcopal Church. She has been a member of the Episcopal Church’s governing board--the Executive Council, president of the Episcopal Women’s Caucus, and a member of the Claiming the Blessing collaborative of the Episcopal Church.

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