Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bruce Mason: rest in peace, rise in glory

Dear Friends,

I am very sad to announce that our brother Bruce Mason of Portland died
suddenly Monday morning. He leaves behind his beloved life-partner Robert
Byrd, and a host of family and friends.

Bruce was a kind, faithful and loving servant of Christ. For decades he has
served in a large variety of ministries at SS Peter and Paul's Episcopal
Church in Portland. He worked with that parish's feeding program and was an
active member of the Companions of St. Columba. He was well known for his
leadership in the Diocese of Oregon as well.

Bruce volunteered locally and nationally for Integrity. As an Integrity
Vice-President, Bruce worked tirelessly for the full inclusion of gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgender Christians. He was a true mentor to
those who followed in his footsteps.

Bruce's funeral is scheduled for Saturday, November 28th, at 10:00 at SS
Peter and Paul Episcopal Church 8147 SE Pine St. Portland OR 97215
** Update**
I wanted to make certain that his family would be able to attend if they chose. The date posted here is incorrect and has been changed to December 5 at 10 a.m. Initially I hadn't even thought about it being around the Thanksgiving and it made it impossible for people to come because there were simply no available flights. It is my hope that this will better accommodate family and friends.

Thank you,
Robert Byrd
Please keep Robert in your prayers as well as the countless people who mourn
the loss of such a great friend. We will all miss him greatly

Matt Haines

Integrity USA, Inc.
Province VIII Coordinator


  1. Yes brother.
    I have greatly shocked to hear that Bruce Mason of Portland died. I had a good brotherly relation with him.
    Anyaway, Thanks for your update.
    God help you.

  2. I wanted to make certain that his family would be able to attend if they chose. The date posted here is incorrect and has been changed to December 5 at 10 a.m. Initially I hadn't even thought about it being around the Thanksgiving and it made it impossible for people to come because there were simply no available flights. It is my hope that this will better accommodate family and friends.

    Thank you,
    Robert Byrd


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