Wednesday, December 16, 2009

35 Years...100,000 Blessings

Dear members and friends:

The tipping point toward full inclusion in the Episcopal Church occurred this year! With your support, Integrity USA achieved both of its legislative goals during General Convention 2009: 

  1. We moved our denomination beyond discrimination in the episcopate with the passage of Resolution D025. Consequently, the Rev. Canon Mary D. Glasspool--who happens to be a partnered lesbian--was recently elected suffragan bishop by the Diocese of Los Angeles.
  2. We moved our denomination forward on marriage equality with the passage of Resolution C056. Already, more bishops are showing "generous pastoral discretion" by allowing their clergy to bless same-gender relationships.
We rejoice, but the work is not complete!

Our job over the next three years is to ensure that the policy changes achieved in Anaheim continue to become a living reality at all levels of our denomination—national, provincial, diocesan, and parochial. In order to do that, we need your help.

As Advent ends, Integrity USA begins a season of thanks that we call "100,000 Blessings." I invite you to share--either in text or video format--how Integrity has been a blessing to you during its 35 years of ministry. I also invite you to express your thanks with a financial gift so that Integrity can continue to be a blessing to others. Our campaign goal is $100,000.

Click here to visit the campaign website, upload a story, and make a donation.

A contribution of $1000 or more will qualify you for lifetime membership. If you wish, you may give in honor or memory of a loved one. Remember that donations to Integrity are tax-deductible.

Wishing you a very merry Christmas,

The Rev. David Norgard

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