Friday, December 4, 2009

Frank Schaeffer: Killing Gays For Jesus

You may have seen Frank Schaeffer, son of Francis Schaeffer, on the Rachel Maddow show..... Schaeffer was one of the founders of the right-wing evangelical political movement, left, and is now taking the role of whistleblower -- helping interpret and alert people outside the movement of the coded language and backstage maneuverings of the American Religious Right.

He has put out a good book and you may have seen him on Rachel Maddow. He just posted an invited op-ed piece on Brad Blog of interest to those who "walk with Integrity"...

Schaeffer's words are a reminder that we are working for justice against people that honestly think a truly Godly approach to non-heterosexual orientation is, to be blunt, violent...

Frank Schaeffer: Killing Gays For Jesus

Nothing illustrates the danger we face from our own Taliban better than the way American "Christians" are now tangled up with the homophobic --- now potentially gay murdering --- Ugandan Christian/political leadership.

More on Brad Blog...

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