Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pastor Rick Warren's silence about Uganda

Andrew Sullivan reports on Pastor Rick Warren's silence about Uganda, despite his close connections to the leaders of that country.

Just as he publicly inveighed in favor of stripping gay couples of civil equality in California, and then pretended he didn't, now he distances himself from Ssempe, while refusing to condemn this law reminiscent of early attempts to wipe out minorities in Serbia, Nazi Germany, and Rwanda. This is classic avoidance in an atmosphere of extreme danger. It is the same as the Catholic church's disgraceful neutrality in Rwanda and Nazi Germany, as they saw a chance to enable others to wipe out a minority they wished could be wiped off the face of the earth...

Picture: Reverend Rick Warren with Rwandan President Paul Kagame, who, like Ugandan President Yoweri Musoveni says that homosexuals do not exist in his country. (Thanks to Colored Opinions.)


  1. C'mon, Andrew, tell us how you really feel about Rick Warren's successful nice-guy evangelical PR efforts...

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