Sunday, December 6, 2009

Quotes from The Rev. Susan Russell, Immediate Past President of Integrity, On The Diocese of Los Angeles Elections of Two Bishops Suffragan

The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles made history this weekend when it elected not one but two women bishops.

"The big news for many will be that one of those women is a partnered lesbian. But the bigger news for me was that my church has actually become a place where candidates for bishop are evaluated on who they are, not who they love -- on the quality of their character, not on the orientation of their sexuality.

"These elections are good news to anyone who cares about justice, compassion, equality and inclusion as core moral values. Mary Glasspool will make an AMAZING bishop ... as will Diane Bruce.

"And as a Diocese of Los Angeles native who grew up in a church where I wasn't allowed to be an acolyte because I was a girl this weekend's actions by my church are nothing short of miraculous.

"Some will ask what message we are sending the rest of the Communion and my answer is that this is what the church looks like when it gets past the inclusion wars and quits allowing differences like gender, ethnicity, orientation or identity divide us. It's a great day to be an Episcopalian!"

1 comment:

  1. I woke up this morning to fantastic news: “L.A. diocese elects first lesbian bishop” on the front page of the L.A. Times! Finally a reason to be proud that I live in Los Angeles. Welcome to L.A., Bishop Glasspool!


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