Sunday, December 13, 2009

Remember Mary

In the midst of all the comment and predictable condemnation of the Diocese of Los Angeles’ election of Mary Glasspool as one of their new suffragan bishops, there are two people who are likely to get forgotten. Mary, and her partner Becki.

No doubt they have prepared themselves to be at the center of the storm for a while but it will be enormously costly. The first open lesbian to be ordained priest (Ellen Barrett, a former vice-President of integrity, in January 1977) was quite unprepared for the maelstrom of publicity and critical commentary and it affected her deeply. Bishop Gene Robinson may have been prepared but nonetheless continues to count the cost of being the first openly gay bishop.

Mary and Becki will be subjected to enormous pressure and public scrutiny. They need our prayers and love during the confirmation process and beyond. We give thanks for everyone who has been willing to sacrifice their own comfort in order to blaze a path for those who follow and those who are voiceless. Mary’s election gives hope to LGBT people and their friends and family across the globe. Let us not forget the cost of that hope.

The Rev. Caroline Hall (‘Caro’) is a graduate of the Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP). She grew up in the Church of England and had a varied career in social work, education and business in England, Scotland and the US before ordination. She is currently pursuing postgraduate work through the University of Leeds, UK.

Caro maintains a blog of her sermons here.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Caro -- and an important reminder of just HOW sustaining the prayers of the community are for those who are "out front" on behalf of the gospel!


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