Saturday, December 5, 2009

Statement By Mary Glasspool

Gracias con todo mi corazon. I am not unaware of the many complicated dynamics that have been part of this election -- and I want to acknowledge them. Any group of people who have been oppressed because of any one, isolated aspect of their persons yearns for justice and equal rights. My own heart has been stressed deeply today. To Martir, I honor you and pledge you my ongoing love and support. To my Latino and Hispanic brothers and sisters, I say we're all in this together. We are all working to bring forward the reign of God on earth. So thank you with all my heart.

It is such an honor and a privilege to be among you wonderful people of the Diocese of Los Angeles. I'm deeply and forever grateful for the trust you've shown in me, and I look forward with great excitement to serving together with you, and alongside +Jon and Diane+, in furthering the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ in the world -- in whose name we are all honored to serve.

It has also been an enriching experience to get to know five incredible human beings who have dedicated all of their considerable gifts and life skills to the life and love of the Lord. You all can probably guess that it takes a lot of effort, even courage, to put yourself out there for public examination, questioning, and then voting. It speaks well of the Diocese of Los Angeles that a variety of such well-qualified people stood and stand before you. I hope you will continue to pray for all of us, as we continue to respond to God's call wherever that takes us. May I add my profound thanks to Bishop Bruno and Julian Bull and to all the Search Committee who worked very hard for lo these many months to get us all to this day.

I'm very excited about the future of the whole Episcopal Church, and I see the Diocese of Los Angeles leading the way into that future. But just for this moment, in the coming months, to getting to know you all better, as together we build up the Body of Christ for the world.

The Rev. Canon Mary D. Glasspool
December 5, 2009


  1. Bless you Mother Mary: "Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet unborn may praise the LORD . . ."

  2. And how blessed were we who were in that hall to hear her words of compassion, grace and witness!

    God is good ...

    ALL the time!


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