Thursday, January 28, 2010

100,000 Blessings Update

Dear members and friends:

Epiphany is the season we celebrate the manifestation of God made human in the person of Jesus Christ—the dawning of divine light into a benighted human world.

During the past 35 years, Integrity USA has been a manifestation of God's inclusive love to The Episcopal Church and has illumined our denomination with the truth that the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender baptized are entitled to all the sacraments.  As a result of Integrity's faithful witness, The Episcopal Church has made profound progress toward welcoming and affirming all of God's children.  

We rejoice, yet there remains much work to do at all the levels of The Episcopal Church!  We need to turn the legislative milestones achieved at Anaheim into living realities across the church.  In order to do that, we need your help.  In particular, we must raise sufficient funds to support a full-time, permanent Executive Director to lead us in our continuing outreach.

To support our advocacy and education efforts during this triennium, Integrity USA recently launched the 100,000 Blessings campaign.  Over $27,000 from 110 donors has been received so far.  If you have already given, thank you!  If you not yet given, I invite you to join me and all the others who have already participated generously.


The Rev. David Norgard

P.S. A contribution of $1000 or more will qualify you for lifetime membership. Remember that donations to Integrity are tax-deductible.

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