Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Integrity USA Seeks Executive Director

Integrity USA, a non-profit organization working for full inclusion of LGBT persons within the Episcopal Church, seeks qualified candidates for the position of Executive Director.  The person who fills this full-time position may be located anywhere in the United States and will work from his/her own city.
In concert with the Board of Directors, the E.D. leads the organization strategically in advancing its mission and in sustaining its support, tangible and intangible.  He or she serves as spokesperson, development officer and administrator.  The Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day management and execution of all aspects of the organization’s operations, including programs, resource development, and administration. 
The Executive Director of Integrity must be knowledgeable about the Episcopal Church and its people.  He or she must be knowledgeable about the struggle for the moral equality of LGBT people in the church and society.  He or she must have demonstrated experience, knowledge and skills in church and/or nonprofit management, development, and governance.  An individual who has earned a bachelor’s degree is preferred.  Compensation will be commensurate with experience and qualifications.
Click here for more information on the requirements and responsibilities of this position. To apply or for more information, contact board president David Norgard at  Application deadline is February 21, 2010.  For more information about Integrity USA, go to

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