Tuesday, February 9, 2010

To Integrity Members from the Rev. Canon Albert Ogle

To Integrity members

Thank you for your prayers and financial support of our ministry to Integrity Uganda. This past weekend I spoke to Bishop Christopher by telephone, who leads a prophetic ministry there and he is also grateful for your prayers and support. The International community's outrage is helping to turn the tide of hatred and discrimination in Ugandan, and there is an enormous amount or repair work to do, particularly through training and much needed educational materials. Bishop Christopher is also providing pastoral support to the many LGBT people in Uganda who are fearing for their lives and their futures if this actually is passed. Please watch this video and read about how you can continue to make a difference in the important weeks ahead.

If you have not done so, please make a contribution to the Integrity Uganda fund by clicking here

Thank you.

Rev. Canon Albert Ogle

Vice President for National and International Affairs

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