Thursday, March 18, 2010


Posted on Integrity's ListServ
March 18, 2010
Reposted by permission.

Dear Lightspeeders,

For those of you who have walked with Integrity these decades
since the 1970's, I have to thank first of all Louie Crew, Paul
Woodrum, Kim Byham, the women including Ellen+ Barrett, those
in-between including Carter+ Hayward, +Barbara Harris, Susan+
Russell and ALL THE REST, some of whom have long since
passed away, of those moved by the spirit to work for the changes
in our church, to work for inclusion. For me, there is a direct line
of change from the first issue of the Integrity Forum, edited in
those days, if I am not mistaken, by Grant+ Gallup, to the election
and consents of Mary+ Glasspool. There is very much to be
grateful for, I want to forget no one, thank you, thank you.

 John Poynter

1 comment:

  1. What an honor it is to have served -- and to continue to serve! -- with such a great cloud of witnesses!

    Susan Russell


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