Monday, March 1, 2010


In keeping with Integrity USA's new strategic plan, the Vice President for Local Affairs, Neil Houghton, will meet with Integrity Province Coordinators across the country to develop and implement plans to strengthen local leadership and chapters.  "The next steps for Integrity are to work at provincial and diocesean levels to make the legislative victories at GC2009 a reality everywhere," said Houghton. "This means working directly with dioceses and congregations for the full inlcusion of all the baptized into the sacraments of the church."

This month, Houghton travels to Connecticut.  Neil and Integrity Province 1 Coordinator, John-Albert Moseley of Hartford, will hold a joint meeting with the leadership and members of Integrity/Connecticut (Hartford) and Integrity/Waterbury. 

"I look forward to my trip to Connecticut and want to issue an invitation to all the LGBTQ faithful in the area, our straight allies and friends and everyone who champions inclusion in the Episcopal Church to join us on March 16th for a Eucharist will be celebrated by the Rev. Michelle Hansen at St. John's Parish,"

St. John's Parish is located at 16 Church Street,in Waterbury, CT. The Eucharist begins at 5:30pm and the meeting will follow and is open to all.

Houghton will deliver his "FAQs" presentation. He will answer those commonly asked questions that inquiring minds want to know including why do we need Integrity when LGBTQ people are more welcome now than ever before in the Episcopal Church? What are Integrity's goals? Where do we go from here in Connecticut?

"Connecticut is an exciting place for the LGBTQ faithful right now," said Houghton,  "It is a state where Civil Marriage Equality is a reality and where C056 can be modeled, like Massachusetts, with regard to 'generous pastoral response to meet the needs of members of this Church.'  Also, God willing, the election of Bishop-Elect Ian Douglas will receive the requesite cpnsents and hewill be consecrated on April 17, 2010. Integrity looks forward to an continuing its active presence in the state."

Eucharist & Meeting: March 16th, 2010
St. John' Parish
16 Church St.
Waterbury, CT

For more information contact:

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