Thursday, July 29, 2010

"Believe Out Loud" Comes to Connecticut

Believe Out Loud Provincial Workshop in Danbury
by Neil Houghton, VPLA

On July 23/24, forty people gathered at St. James, Danbury for the third "Believe Out Loud" Provincial Workshop. Despite heat and humidity the group was engaged from beginning to end. There were many stories shared and skills learned about how to spread the Good News.

"Believe Out Loud" equips Episcopalians to tell their stories and -- in the process -- to find that we have more commonalities than differences. We also discover that we can celebrate not only our common ministry but the wide range of diverse gifts and experiences we bring to the work of inclusion. Matching the stories with the audiences is a powerful tool  as we work together for the full inclusion of all the baptized in all the sacraments.

The radical hospitality extended by St. James and their rector, Joseph Krasinski, made it evident that this was a "way of being" for them, not just for this event. Ernie and Lyn, our local contacts went above and beyond the call of duty. Chap and John, Province 1 and 2 Coordinators, facilitated with great skill.

Through the generous support of the Carpenter and ARCUS foundations, we are able to share skills, identify leaders and leave energized to do the work of Believing Out Loud in the Episcopal Church.
More "Believe Out Loud" events are already scheduled in Martinsburg, West Virginia; Atlanta, Georgia; Austin, Texas and London, Ohio -- and an event in Denver, Colorado is in the works.

For details, visit the Integrity website ... or contact our office at 800-462-9498. There is still room for YOU at one of these events!

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