Thursday, August 26, 2010

Believe Out Loud Power Summit | October 9-11 | Orlando FL

More than 500 national and local leaders of the welcoming church movement will be gathering in Orlando during Columbus Day weekend. Christians from all denominations who support full inclusion are expected to attend. Hosted by the Institute for Welcoming Resources, this event is designed to provide advanced knowledge and skills to those who are already working for LGBT equality in their faith communities.

Integrity USA hopes that at least 80 Episcopalians will register. All of Integrity USA's board of directors and staff members will be participating--including our new executive director, Max Niedzwiecki. Sunday afternoon is set aside for denominational caucuses; Integrity will hold its annual Stakeholders' Council meeting during this time.

You must register in advance for the Power Summit. There is no registration fee. You will, however, be given the option of purchasing a meal plan--which consists of 8 meals--for $157. In order to help as many people as possible attend the Power Summit, Integrity USA is providing meal plan reimbursements to the first 65 Episcopalians who register. To take advantage of this offer, please register for the conference first, then send your receipt [via email or mail] to Integrity USA, 620 Park Ave #311, Rochester NY 14607,

Visit to learn more about the Power Summit and to register! When you register, please make sure to give your denomination as "Episcopalian."

You are responsible for your own lodging. The Power Summit will be held at the Doubletree Resort on International Drive in Orlando. The group rate is $119 per night at the hotel. If you'd also like to do some vacationing while in Orlando, this rate is also available three days before and three days after the Power Summit. The deadline for making a hotel reservation is Wednesday, September 8th. Visit to make a hotel reservation!

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