Wednesday, December 15, 2010

DADT Repealed in House: One Down One to Go.

Integrity USA applauds the House of Representatives for the passage today of legislation which will repeal the discriminatory Don'T Ask, Don't Tell policy in the military. The fate of the bill now rests in the US Senate.

Integrity's Executive Director Max Niedzwiecki and Board Member Susan McCann spoke out last week about why it's long overdue for DADT to go:

" As most American service members have said, as military leaders have said, and as our President, the Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces, has said, there is no reason to discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation, said Max Niedzwiecki. "Yet, once again, homophobia trumps inclusion. A recent pentagon survey showed that a majority of those who serve in the military are in favor of eliminating DADT. The U.S. Senate has a lot to learn from our troops. In a country that values liberty and justice for all, there is no justification for such blatant discrimination in our military or in our country”.

The Rev. Susan McCann, an Integrity Board Member, a straight ally, and the rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Liberty, Missouri said, “The basis behind this discrimination comes largely from the religious community. And the antidote to the religious right is the truth, which will set us free. And the truth is that we must respect the dignity of every human being. The truth is that no chaplain will be forced to minister to a gay in the military if he or she doesn’t want to do so.

We urge all Integrity members to call their Senator today and urge them to repeal DADT.

To call your US Sanator: hone the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.

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