Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Have you registered for Practice Spirit Do Justice during Creating Change?

Practice Spirit, Do Justice @ Creating Change 2011
February 2-6, 2011 in Minneapolis, MN

Gathering the Queer and Allied Multi-Faith Movement for
Praying, Planning and Practicing Justice!

To register: www.CreatingChange.org
This first-ever multi-faith gathering of pro-LGBT activists convenes people of faith, LGBT activists, clergy, spiritual practitioners, those who value the body-mind-spirit connection as important and those who seek to bridge the secular/faith divide in our movement.  We will worship and pray and practice; we will do big-picture framing and dreaming; we will build our organization’s capacities; we will learn mass mobilization strategies and we will learn concrete skills. Come and bring your whole body, identity and self to this exciting gathering!

Opening Plenary Speakers Thursday Feb. 3 Practice Spirit, Do Justice:
Hard Work for Our Common Good
  • Bishop Yvette Flunder, Founder, City of Refuge Community Church UCC
  • Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson, Moderator, Metropolitan Community Church
Special Academy/Training Sessions:
  • Intentional Leadership and Followership—Building a Base for Breakthrough Social Change
  • Walking Our Talk—Applying a Racial Justice Lens in Our Organizations
  • Building Faith-Based Partnerships:  Global Justice or Queer Colonialism
  • Mercy + Justice = Winning LGBT Political Campaigns
Workshops include:
  • Fighting Islamophobia and Homophobia: building solidarity in oppressed communities
  • Ask for Money Face-to-Face…Have Faith!
  • Spirit and Desire: Framing a discussion about our spiritual and erotic lives
  • Mobilizing Pro-Equality Catholics on LGBT Issues
  • And many, many more!
To register visit www.CreatingChange.org and please be sure to mark that you are attending Practice Spirit, Do Justice! For more information, contact rvoelkel@thetaskforce.org.

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