Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Two Web Events for Bisexual Visibility Week

Did you know yesterday was Celebrate Bisexuality Day and that this is Bisexual Visibility Week?  As part of our efforts to broaden our understanding of the full range of attraction and identity, we are pleased to present two opportunities to better understand the "B" in LGBT.

Integrity's Province I (New England) Coordinator, Marie Alford-Harkey, in her role as Deputy Director of The Religious Institute, was the lead collaborator on a guidebook for congregations entitled Bisexuality: Making the Invisible Visible in Faith Communities. Please click here for more information: 

On Saturday, September 27th, she will appear on Interfaith Alliance and Welton Gaddy's State of Belief, which will be available here:

Then, on Wednesday, October 8th at 1pm EDT, she and the Institute's Co-Founder and President, Debra Haffner, will discuss the new book on a teleconference as part of the Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual's WATERtalk series.  Please click here to register or get more information.

We hope you are able to take advantage of these opportunities.

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