Thursday, July 2, 2015

Election Results for 2015-2018 Board of Directors and Provincial Coordinators

The election for the next Board of Directors and set of Provincial Coordinators has been completed. The following positions have been filled and the terms will run from October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2018.

President: Election deferred.
Vice-President of National Affairs: Rev. Gwen Fry
Vice-President of Local Affairs: S Wayne Mathis
Treasurer: DeAnna Bosch
Secretary/Director of Communications: Mel Soriano
Chairperson of the Stakeholders' Council: Rev. Carolyn Woodall

Province 1 Coordinator: No candidate
Province 2 Coordinator: Tod Roulette
Province 3 Coordinator: April I Fredericks
Province 4 Coordinator: Kay Smith Riggle
Province 5 Coordinator: David Fleer
Province 6 Coordinator: No candidate
Province 7 Coordinator: Doug Davis
Province 8 Coordinator: Vivian Varela

The position of the President has not yet been filled. We ask for your prayers as we continue to seek candidates for this central role.

Integrity's Board of Directors offers its congratulations to the new board and provincial coordinators. We thank all who ran or considered running for their willingness to serve and hope that they shall be interested in contributing in other ways. The current board and provincial coordinators look forward to working and assisting in the transition during the next three months.

Mel Soriano
Secretary, Board of Directors, Integrity 

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