Sunday, August 23, 2015

Are You Called to Lead Integrity as President?

Integrity members have elected an extraordinary group of leaders to serve on the Board of Directors!  Each person elected will bring real value to our organization as Integrity builds upon the successes of General Convention. 

The position of President has not yet been filled.  We need someone with a love of service and heart for our mission to lead our dynamic new board.  Please consider nominating yourself or others to this ministry.

We need to receive your nomination by Friday August 28, 2015. You may submit an application to:

In the application please include the following information:

  • Name, Address, Phone, Email
  • 2-3 paragraphs about yourself
    • your diocese and your experience with Integrity
    • the skills/experience you will bring to this position
    • why you think God may be calling you to this position

The only requirement to run is that you are a member of Integrity. So please make sure your membership is up to date!

You are welcome to contact Matt Haines ( or other current Board members if you want to know more about what’s involved.
Once nominations are closed, current members will be sent online ballots.

Please join us in praying that God will raise up leaders among us who can joyfully take on the responsibilities of this organization so that we may further God's kingdom together!
Below is the section from our bylaws describing the duties of the President. 

   Article 5. Duties of Officers

      Section 1. President

         A. If and when there is no Executive Director, the President shall be the

principal spokesperson for the organization and shall be the chief

representative of Integrity to the Episcopal Church and the Anglican

Communion, and other organizations domestic and foreign.

         B. The President shall chair meetings of the Board.

         C. The President shall have charge of, and may with the concurrence of the

Board, appoint committees and individuals to assist in carrying out the

programs and obligations of the organization; shall be a member ex-officio

of all committees and task forces; and shall make regular reports to the

membership of Integrity.

The full bylaws can be found on Integrity’s Website. 

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