Friday, May 11, 2007

Here's What Happened Last Year In Latvia

Timothy Jacobs, Associated Press
Saturday, July 22, 2006

RIGA, Latvia -- Anti-gay demonstrators hurled feces and eggs at gay rights activists and their supporters who were leaving a church service in the Latvian capital on Saturday.

About 20 protesters had gathered outside the Anglican church in Riga where gay activists, who had been denied a permit to stage a gay pride parade, were attending a service. A handful of the protesters lobbed eggs and emptied bags of feces on the churchgoers as they walked out the building.

"I think Latvia got a little smaller today," said Anglican Latvian-American pastor Juris Calitis, who said he, too, was struck by waste. He accused Latvian churches of stirring up anti-gay sentiment in the Baltic country.

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